Do not underestimate the winning power of a well-designed office. A badly designed office can cost a business a lot. From loss of clients, representing the company's brand in a bad light, decreased employee morale and as well as dulling creativity.
An office can flip these negatives around for the positive by avoiding these mistakes.
1. Limited space.
Company heads should try to think big when it comes to acquiring space for their business. A cramped space will decrease productivity. Nevertheless, with a smaller space and a good plan, the office can come out looking great with leg room to spare.
2. Neglecting the reception area
You absolutely must not neglect your reception area for anything. This is the beginning stage of showcasing your business' selling points. It is necessary to make a very good first impression. So, make your reception area sell your brand and see how well it will work out for your business.
3. Lighting
Many companies fail to install good lighting fixtures in their offices or even find ways to bring in a lot of natural light. That is light from the sun.
A bad lighting system is good for no one. It can cause headaches and affect mood negatively. With the right balance of artificial and natural light, work can be carried out efficiently.
4. Poor storage system
Offices with poor storage systems tend to run into trouble more often than is necessary. Files get misplaced, files get mixed up, office supplies are askew on every table there is. A proper storage system in an office will make work easier to perform.
Ehru Amreyan
A guest contributor on HOG Furniture, a freelance writer. She loves to read and she loves to write.
Her shorts stories have appeared in Brittlepaper, Kalahari review, and in two anthologies.