Now you can enjoy shopping from the convenience of your smartphone or tablet - anywhere, anytime!

 Our app has been designed with you in mind, focusing on giving you a better user experience. With great features which allow you to easily stay up to date with everything that we've got going on, communicate with us at the touch of a finger, and even receive notifications from us for all the latest happenings.


Download now on your iPad, iPhoneAndroid Phone or Tablet  


 As an affiliate, having our mobile app on your phone is a smart choice and one of the quickest ways to close a deal. How and why? you may ask. 

Sometimes, a little more conviction is the only thing standing between you and your next sale, and that is where our mobile app helps. The mobile app hosts everything we sell and have in store, and beyond serving as your mobile catalogue, you can place an order straight away for your client/lead.

how would we know when a sale came through you? simply follow the steps below when using the app as an affiliate to shop.

  • After deciding what your client wants to buy, 
  • tap Add to cart
  • advance to checkout and fill in your details you used on your affiliate registration as the billing address. (name, phone, and email etc)
  • notify us via a call or send us an email at to capture your process your commission.

See? simpler than ABC.


Why Should You Download our mobile app?

  • You spend less time trying to convince a buyer (what they see is what they get)
  • There are exclusive deals available ONLY to our app users.
  • You will save more time & data shopping for what you love (your convenience is key).
  • You need on-the-go access to our Webstore 
  • We want you to be updated on our products prices and availability etc...
  • You deserve better!

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