Increase your earnings by joining the list of our smart affiliates.

it's a partnership you won't regret!

Your Journey to financial freedom starts here, how it works...

How to advertise and earn »

  1. Ensure you are registered and confirmed on our affiliates programme.
  2. Login to your Affiliates portal.
  3. Complete your details in the setting section using the "setting icon".
  4. Open the shop menu on the left side of your portal panel.
  5. Click on HOG Furniture, then click "View Available Media" to download any of our banners that fits your advertising space.
  6. After downloading, go to the "Referral URLs" section on your panel to copy the appropriate link to your ads.
  7. Insert the downloaded banner on your website, blog or social media and link it to the URL (the referral URLs carries your unique code which helps us to know which sales came from you).
  8. Post/Publish your advert, and we'll keep track to know which sale came through your advert. You get paid once the transaction is confirmed successful.

Further inquiries should be directed to | 0812 222 0264

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