Caruana Anthony wrote on his blog that absenteeism is a massive impost on businesses. A recent survey has found that workers are, on average, away from work for about 10 days per year. On the average work week consumes as much as 41 hours per week hence many of us are spending a lot of time at work in potentially unhealthy positions. There has been deeply growing concerns at how our work environments are making us less healthy. That's bad for business but, more importantly it is bad for all of us.

Direct Health Solutions carried out a survey last year that found absentee levels in the workplace are rising. While the reasons for being absent are varied, at least some of those absences can be explained by conditions created by our work environment.
Poor ergonomics, one-size-fits-all office furniture that is chosen for form over function and equipment that is purchased on price rather than usability all contribute to this problem.
Direct Health Solutions carried out a survey last year that found absentee levels in the workplace are rising. While the reasons for being absent are varied, at least some of those absences can be explained by conditions created by our work environment.
Poor ergonomics, one-size-fits-all office furniture that is chosen for form over function and equipment that is purchased on price rather than usability all contribute to this problem.
White-collar employees who sit at their desk for lengths of time, this constant sitting down is not good for your health or productivity. Creating opportunities to move around with lots of flexibility the office and still collaborate can help employees stretch their back and at intervals. While collaboration systems are extremely useful, they create a work environment where people don't need to get up to meet and talk and this can be done without spending too much money
Poor ergonomics, one-size-fits-all office furniture that is chosen for form over function and equipment that is purchased on price rather than usability all contribute to this problem.
A good suggestion to ensure ergonomics in the workplace would be creating different work zones people can move between rather than expecting them to make a choice they are stuck with forever. They should be able go to a different area, for an hour or two, to get the blood flowing and to give the body a break while simultaneously working.
This less extreme approach is important, one simply does not go training for a marathon by running long kilometers straight, you work up to it, building strength and endurance. Similarly, expecting people to work at desks for long periods of time is not reasonable or healthy and you’re hereby encouraging laziness and slouchy attitude towards work.
There are numerous of things one can do in the office to encourage movement and create a healthier office environment. For instance, printer location, where you put kitchen facilities. and so on.
Just figure out which one best suit your business.
Check for your office furniture & ergonomic chairs

Francis K,
A Freelance writer, Tech enthusiast, Anime fan, Nice guy.