The 7 to 5 lifestyle can put a dent in anyone's plans to stay fit and healthy. And fitness is essential if work is to be carried out effectively. It brings an overall wellness both physically and mentally. Sitting all day is truly a cause for concern. It can do much more than just lead to weight gain. People who have full-time office jobs run the risk of being obese, diabetic or have heart problems. The good news is you can stay fit despite your busy schedule at work. You just have to make very few changes to your everyday routine.
1. Make use of your legs - If your house is within walking distance from your workplace then by all means ditch using a vehicle and walk. Or use a bicycle if you prefer. Biking is a great form of exercise. Climbing stairs instead of using lifts, Walking around the office every thirty minutes or one hour also burns away the calories.

2. Drink the calories
Keep a refillable water bottle close by so that you can drink water throughout the day to keep you hydrated. Water fills you up and keeps you from getting hungry as well as keep you alert. Water also promotes weight loss and gives your skin a healthy glow.
3. Strength train
Keep dumbells and exercise bands close by to sneak in a bit of weight and resistance training now and then. You'll be surprised by the effects of this simple task.4. Exercise desks
The use of a treadmill or mini elliptical machine under the desk is latest office fitness trend. They are designed to go at a slower pace and for you to control but can still get the job done.
5. Engage in calisthenics
In China, it is mandatory in an office for everyone to participate in calisthenics breaks. A few minutes of every work day is set aside so that workers can stretch and feel re-energized. You too can get everyone in your office involved in taking calisthenics breaks.

6. Practice sitting yoga
Yoga is great way to tone your muscles, keep you lean and flexible.

Shop yoga mats here

Erhu Amreyan,
A guest contributor on HOG Furniture, a freelance writer. She loves to read and she loves to write.
Her shorts stories have appeared in Brittlepaper, Kalahari review, and in two anthologies.