HOG- Home. Office. Garden Black Friday & Cyber Monday sales promo is almost here!
It is with high spirit of enjoyable experience of good business relationship that have existed between every seller and buyer on our platform hence, propelled us to further boost this relationship the more as HOG announce to her dearest customers about the yearly special Promotional sales days {Black Friday & Cyber Monday Promo}.
It's in the interest of our dear company as a retail E-commerce platform to see through the eyes of both our merchants and customers as we sustain both relationship for further business growth.
In a season like this when the year is almost coming to an end, as many of customers would want to purchase varieties of their choice items for their personal or family use at a friendly economic prices that would not necessarily hamper their budget taking into cognizance the harsh economy that has been a major threat to purchasing power of so many.
It will be expedient of us to join the train as we make life easy for our customers this season and thereafter as our merchants/sellers on our platform are tiding up their stocks with your favourites at a discounted prices up to 30% discount being the best deal you can ever get!
Get Prepared!!!
HOG Black Friday & Cyber Monday Promo/21-28 November 2022