Bed bugs are small, flat insects that feed on the blood of people and animals. Bed bugs are experts at hiding. So you can guess where there hiding places are? You are right.
Their slim flat bodies allow them to fit into the smallest of spaces, between the spines of your furniture, along the dark corners of your upholstery, in the tiny holes in your wood panels and stay there for long periods of time, even without a blood meal.
They also hide in mattresses, bed frames, bedding, furniture, carpets, baseboards and bedroom clutter. Bed bugs if not controlled could constitute a total nuisance, depriving you of sleep, the comfort of your furniture and every other discomfort along the side.

Bed bugs are however not a sign of a dirty home or poor personal hygiene like you probably have been told. Bed bugs are usually transported from place to place as people travel. The goodness is that this tiny blood sucking and itching causing small menaces can be controlled and ultimately eradicated.
Here are some tips on dealing with bedbugs:-
Bed bugs treatment is not an easy task to undertake because bed bugs multiply really fast and due to their elusive nature are not nearly easy to find, talk less of getting rid of. It is however not an impossible task to rid the home of bed bugs. One only has to be committed to a step by step procedure, marked with diligence and consistency to achieve this goal.
Thorough Inspection
It is important to ascertain that you have bed bugs before embarking on the task of riding them, a number of household insect could look or cause reactions similar to that of bed bugs. One must undertake a thorough inspection of spines, dark corners, hidden tips of upholstery, mattresses, bed clothing, holes in the wood planes. What you are looking for is life or dead bedbugs, fecal stains or droppings, eggs, empty skins shed in growth processes. Find any of this, Bingo! You have bed bugs.
Early Treatment
Once you realize that you have bed bugs, do not wait another day. Begin to put mental structures down on how you want to eradicate bedbugs from your home. Do you want to engage professional help, get contacts immediately. You want to rid of them yourself, make plans. Time is what bed bugs need to multiply to staggering numbers, don't give them too much of it.

How to Treat Bed Bugs
If you have professional help, you need only follow closely the instructions of your professional. If you are doing this yourself, here is a breakdown of what to do.
- Air out your space, get rid of clutter, dark corners. Repair holes or any other hideout to prevent bugs from coming back to them.
- Expose moveable beddings and furnitures to heat, the steaming treatment is also recommended. Launder and dry removable beddings and furniture covers.
- Cover up washed disinfected beddings in air tight plastic containers to kill any surviving eggs or bugs.
- Throw away some infested materials that are beyond repair or redemption.
- Fumigate infected spaces with bed bugs bombs or any other insecticides effective in killing bugs. The Nigerian version of insecticides called sniper could be also very effective.
- Repeat processes again and again, until you are certified that you no longer have bed bugs.
Your home can be bed bugs free. You can claim back the comfort and convenience of your furniture back. You only have to believe and follow these processes for the comfy and welcoming ambiance that you have always dreamed your home would have.
Adeyemi Adebimpe
Contributor on HOG Furniture Blog is a law student at Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU).
Loves to write, read, travel, paint and talk.
A fan of the outdoor and adventure. Her everyday fantasy is to see the whole world.
1 comment
I appreciate the emphasis on using non-toxic and eco-friendly methods to get rid of bed bugs. It’s essential to prioritize the health and safety of our households while dealing with infestations. I’d love to see more specific suggestions for natural remedies or products that are effective against bed bugs, as I prefer to minimize the use of harsh chemicals in my home.
We also have a related blog post about Bed Bug Biology and Behavior that might be helpful too: