Looking for tips on how to create your cave?
According to psychiatrist and author Scott Haltzman, it is important for a man to have a place to call his own.
A man cave or man space is a special male retreat in a house (especially one shared with a woman) where a man can do his own thing without being bothered and in turn not bother anyone. It is his to design and take care of.
It is where he goes to relax, play his games, work on his personal projects, watch his favorite sports and hang out with his friends. Man caves can be constructed in spare rooms, the garage or basement if you happen to have one. Below is an archetype list to use when creating your man cave.
1. Prepare the Space - First thing you need to do when making your man cave is to access the space you want to use. Visualize your man cave in its finished form and be ready to work towards actualizing it. The size of the space should give you the blueprint of things you can put in it to avoid crowding.
2. Paint or wallpaper the room - Paint the room your favorite color and add wallpapers of your choice. This is your space. You want to make it you in every way. Add works of art and specially designed posters of things or athletes or sports clubs you like. Add curtains or blinds if the space calls for it.
3. When it comes to furniture, your taste is truly needed. Add a table, comfortable couches, arms chairs and beanbags. Go the leather route if you know there's going to be a lot of spillage and stains in your man cave.
4. Add a flat screen TV and surround sound system. Install your gaming consoles, pool table, dartboard, or any games you desire.
5. Install a bar with high stools to entertain your friends.
You can make a sign with any name of your choosing above your bar to create a lounge type environment.
You can also add a fridge where you can keep your drinks and snacks cold.
6. Keep a bookcase nearby to store your books, magazines, journals and display your collections of paraphernalia.
Pictures of cherished memories can find a place on the bookshelf.
7. You can also set aside an area for working out. Remember to buy gym equipment that will not take too much space.
Check out all the items you need to create your man cave.
On HOGFurniture.com.ng, we have you in mind.

Erhu Amreyan,
A guest contributor on HOG Furniture, a freelance writer. She loves to read and she loves to write.
Her shorts stories have appeared in Brittlepaper, Kalahari review, and in two anthologies.