Metal Furniture is the natural home maker choice due to their reliability and durability but like most good things, metal furniture needs to be maintained for it to come to its long lasting quality.
Here are some quick tips on how your metal furniture can be maintained for long lasting impact.
Regardless of where and which part of the house where your metal furniture are showcased. Metal Furniture is known for its multipurpose functionality. The care and maintenance for the same is the same and basic.
1. Regular and Scheduled Clean up
It is best to have a scheduled routine for cleaning up your metal furniture. This clean up can be scheduled with your monthly clean up routine, bi- quarterly routine as the case may be. It is important that metal furniture are scrubbed softly with a sponge and mild soap,( not abrasive) at least twice per year. This would retain its fresh glow and keep it clean.
2. Prevent and Remove Rust
The biggest hazard suffered by metal furniture is perhaps rust, since metal hardly ever get pest infested. Every home maker must be on the constant look out for rust. Rust can be prevented by rubbing paste wax on the furniture surface. Rust can also be controlled by running a wire brush over surface of rust or scrubbing with sand paper and sand. Rust when not controlled, spreads fast and incapacitate the furniture over time.
3. Re- paint with Clear Metal Vanish
When scrubbing off rust has left the furniture with scratches or when the metals have lost their glow or colouring. Then, it is the best time to repaint with a clear metal vanish, gives the furniture a new look and glow.
4. Cover furniture when not in Use
Metal Furniture have been known to fall into disrepair when left to the elements and not in use. So, it is best to cover them for safeguard when not in use. Tarps can be used easily to see to their protection in such circumstances.
5. Schedule for regular Inspection
Things depreciate when left to their own device. A maintenance culture is to be priced above all else, not only because only because maintenance becomes handy when a consciousness is giving to it but because most issues that would befall household furniture can be salvaged if discovered early. It is safer to be on the lookout.
See some of our metal furniture Item

Adeyemi Adebimpe
Contributor on HOG Furniture Blog is a law student at Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU).
Loves to write, read, travel, paint and talk.
A fan of the outdoor and adventure. Her everyday fantasy is to see the whole world.