Building Design Tips for Companies With a Big Staff

Office design can be a stressful job for just about anybody who runs a company, much less a company with hundreds of employees, which is why seeking expertise is important.

Designing an office is a huge responsibility, as you are making a decision that will impact your employees, and when working with a huge staff, this is an even more impactful decision. While the safest choice is working with professionals and using their expertise, there are some aspects that each company can implement in its design plan. Though they may seem small, they are a big factor in employee satisfaction and retention.

Here are 7 things to consider when thinking of office design:

  1. Café spaces or break spaces

A certain lounge space in which the team can gather, take 10-minute breaks to recharge and socialize, and go back to work feeling more productive than before. Make sure it has the feel of a café, as it will help create that relaxing feeling that workers need. A break can be all an employee needs, as they are proven to keep us focused.

Office design might be stressful for just about anybody who runs a company, much less a company with hundreds of employees, which is why seeking expertise is important. Having an expert team on architecture projects and working with them to guide you on your journey can help make your office design a whole lot smoother, and ensure that every staff member is taken care of in the design plan.


  1. Proper ventilation

It is not a coincidence that the most common piece of advice when we seek to relax is breathing. Breathing can help make the difference between a person being calm or not calm. That is why proper ventilation systems and good indoor air quality is one of the most important aspects to take into consideration when thinking of office design, especially for bigger offices. Stale air is a big no-no for creativity and productivity. 


  1. Good lighting

Who wants to spend their working life closed off, rotting away in a poorly-lit space? Let’s face it, good lighting is essential for offices, and it is essential for productivity. So, make sure to include as many windows as possible in your office design. However, if you are too far into designing the office and haven't included proper natural lighting in your plan, don’t worry, there are options. Full spectrum lights can help mimic natural sunlight.

  1. Subtle touches

Think of a sweet aroma inside the office, one that helps trigger pleasant feelings of relaxation. Or, low-volume background music that hits the ear in just the right way, and gets the productivity going. Soft lamp light that can help set the mood for a sit-down on the couch when your employees feel the need for a break.


  1. Encouraging movement

The way you design things is the way people will move, and it is how they will interact with the office. Make sure to encourage getting up from your desk and talking even short walks. For example, you could place the printer further away from the workers and in this way encourage movement.


  1. Utilize color

No one wants to work in a drab environment, so it is important for your working environment to be colorful and really reflect the company’s goals, ideals, and core values. Color is important. In fact, every color has different qualities that can cause people to feel different emotions. For example, blue is associated with security, trust, and success, while red is associated with love, passion, and excitement (sometimes even danger!). Name a hue, and it probably has a very specific impact on the human psyche. Keep it in mind when designing your office with your architect.


  1. Ask your employees

There it is. The most obvious answer. The ones who will spend most of their daytime working in order to help your company reach its full potential. Your employees. Their opinion is of the utmost value when it comes to designing an office space., as they know best what works for them. You could try using this to your advantage and carrying out a company-wide survey, or even look at existing surveys online to help you find out what employees actually value in a working environment.


  1. Plants

Plants are a treat to the senses. They are visually appealing and can help reduce worker stress. A lower-stress employee is a happy employee. Getting plants for the office is one of the most cost-efficient ways in which you can help boost employee productivity.

To sum up
When designing your office, make sure that you are thinking of every employee and department because it is useful for them to have a creative space that is practical and makes them feel good. While this article can help highlight what is important when designing an office, it is in no way a replacement for the expertise of a professional.


Authors Bio: Elliot Rhodes

Elliot has been both an interior and exterior designer for over 8 years. He is happy to plan and design the exteriors of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. He helps others with beautifying the outside areas of their homes and businesses. When he has free time, he is writing articles on the latest design trends and projects.

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