HOG article on how to plan for a budget for a friendly holiday

Smart Buying  - Planning for Holiday Shopping

It's the time of the year when gifts are shared in good cheer. And as always, the prices of goods would be hiked as the holidays approach, arising from a limited quantity of goods which would be hoarded by sellers to be sold to the highest bidders at the eleventh hour rush. There's however a way to avoid the dally and exploitation of last minute deals and get better goods at far reasonable prices. This method is smart buying. A smart buyer is one who differs from the average buyer in knowing what, when, where and how to go about the purchase of goods.

The features of a smart buyer are further explained below for clarity:

When to buy: 

The smart buyer doesn't break the bank on last minute deals or spend a good while standing in queues for eleventh hour purchases. No. The smart buyer shops early enough when goods are about in all assortments and varying prices, giving room for comparisons, multiple options and low cost choices. This way the buyer avoids the queues and baloney of last minute deals that most often than not offer poor goods for ridiculous prices and would still be bought due to limited options which may yet be more expensive.

What to buy: 

Just as souvenirs are given out as parties for the purpose of memorials, so does the purchases of a smart buyer, for personal use or gifting. While about anything can be gifted to someone, only things that play vital roles in everyday life evoke memories and would be appreciated for longer. This in no way points at short term gifts as distasteful, but at the fact that long term gifts go a long way in keeping memories. For instance, try a change of furniture for your employees as part of their holiday bonuses. While it may seem rather unconventional and surprising, for each time these furniture would be used memories would be relived, making for a more relaxed and creative environment.

Considering this move? Make your choice from HOG Furniture's wide collection of premium home, office and garden furniture.

Where to buy:

 The smart buyer knows the best places to get quality goods at reasonable prices. While retail stores may seem as the closest and most viable means of purchases, it is logical to consider the bigger markets. Online shops still pose as one of the best in quality goods at cheaper rates. Supermarkets also are viable options for quality and price. Since holidays mostly entail feasting, groceries should be purchased in Farmers' markets.

How to buy: 

The smart buyer takes a lot into cognizance before embarking on shopping.

— Budget: Having a budget of how much one is to spend is of utmost importance. This budget also includes a comparison of goods and their respective prices for low cost choices.

— Multiple choices: Chances should be made for replacements should goods be unavailable or on sale at unbudgeted prices.

— Planning: The budget should include all the spending for the duration of festivities and how it should go about. Plans should be made for guests, gifts and personal purchases to avoid running low on budget capital and turning out broke after the holidays.

PS: Holidays are not a means of throwing all your money in one place.

— Bulk buying: Online stores, supermarkets and farmers' markets give discounts on bulk purchases. This opportunity is better seized by doing all your purchases in one place, only after comparing prices in other places of course.

Happy Holidays!


Porl Bob Jnr

A writer. Avid reader. Social media crusader. Web junkie. Your over all run-of-the-mill guy. And a sarcastic twit!

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