HOG ideas on how employees can improve their mental well-being when working from home


Working from home provides many benefits, including flexibility, but many employees find that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a challenge. If you’re an employee or employer who works from home, having healthy mental well-being is essential to your success. This guide has a few tips to help you enjoy a stress-free experience, so read on to learn more.

Act like you’re still in the office

A vital part of managing stress is to practice behaviours as if you’re still physically working in the office that you’d go to every day.

Get up early, shower, and dress for work

One of the best ways to maintain a healthy work-life balance is to pretend you’re heading to the office each morning. Start by getting up early, ideally, at the same time, you’d typically awaken if you were preparing to go to the office in person. Make sure that you take a shower before you start working, too. Showering in the morning will help you feel energized and give you a nice, “clean slate” before you begin your daily tasks. Once you’ve showered, get dressed and wear “normal” attire instead of sitting at your desk in your PJs. You don’t necessarily need to dress in formal or even casual business attire. However, wearing actual clothing will put you in a working mindset.

Create a schedule and set boundaries

Many employers allow remote workers to set their schedules and work at their own pace. Even if your boss doesn’t ask you to work on a pre-determined schedule, it’s vital to create your own and stick with it. Creating a custom schedule will help you be more productive, get work done on time, and stay on task. Setting boundaries is also crucial to avoiding burnout. Make your schedule clear not just to your boss and co-workers but also to your family. By setting boundaries early, everyone will know when they can and cannot ask you to do certain things to improve your mental well-being.

Set timers for tasks that have deadlines

If you’re working on tasks that have deadlines, setting a timer for each task can help you get them done on time. Setting timers can do wonders for improving productivity.

You can use a simple calendar to write things down or try using a computer program to schedule each task, then assign a countdown timer to each one individually. By using a timer, you’ll be able to remain focused on each item as it’s due. Not only will this help you retain your good standing with your employer, but it also helps to relieve the stress that often comes with deadline-related work.

Use a scheduling and calendar app

A scheduling and calendar app will help make your work-from-home days stress-free. Look for apps that you can integrate with programs on your PC or that work in sync with your company software. Download an app with a color-coded scheduling system, so it’s easy to identify different tasks on different dates. Using a scheduling app will make it much easier to keep track of what you need to do daily, weekly, and monthly. Ideally, employers should implement an app that works for everyone, so everyone is using the same thing to stay on the same page.

Ask for support when you need it

Remember that even the most successful people rely on a network and a team of supportive people. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or support whenever needed. Whether you ask your employer to temporarily assign some of your tasks to another person or have your family support you emotionally during stressful times, having reliable support is vital to maintaining a healthy and positive mental well-being. One of the keys to avoiding burnout is to make sure that you have a lot of supportive people behind you when times get tough or your feel overwhelmed.

Take breaks

Even people who work from home need to take an occasional break to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Get plenty of fresh air

Managing stress involves getting outside and enjoying the beauty of the world around you. Some studies have shown that spending time in nature can do wonders for reducing and managing stress. Whether you just take short breaks and sit outside or go for a walk around the neighbourhood during your lunch break, make sure you take time every day to get some clean, fresh air. You can even step outside for a few moments whenever you feel you need to reset. According to the American Heart Association, spending time outdoors may help lower fatigue and reduce stress and anxiety.

Stepping away from the screen

Staring at a computer screen for eight hours a day can be exhausting. Not to mention, it’s not exactly healthy for your eyes or your back, neck, and shoulders. Remember to step away from the screen as often as possible throughout your workday. Get up and stretch, grab a fresh cup of coffee, or take a bathroom break whenever necessary. You can even implement an alert that reminds you when it’s time to give your screen time a break. Focus on taking tech-free breaks so that you feel refreshed and focused when it’s time to work.

Create an exercise lifestyle

You don’t need to be exceptionally athletic to enjoy the many benefits of exercise. Come up with a daily or weekly exercise routine that works for you and that fits within your schedule. Even a short walk around the block at lunchtime can improve your physical health and your mental well-being. Mild to moderate exercise releases endorphins that improve your mood. It also helps you feel more alert and focused and does an excellent job of helping with managing stress and anxiety. A bonus is that you’ll be able to maintain a healthy weight and get stronger, even while working from home.




Make time for yourself

Taking time to practice self-care and making some time for yourself does wonders for healthy mental well-being.

Spend time with family and friends

Make sure you’re finding time to spend with the people you love. Whether planning a date night with your spouse or heading out for a weekend trip with the kids, spending time with your family and friends is vital to good mental health. Set aside a few hours or days in your weekly schedule to intentionally spend time with the people in your life who are most important to you. Not only will this keep you happy, but it will also help keep the ones you love happy as you maintain these healthy relationships.

Take vacation time off

Don’t be afraid to ask for some time off to enjoy a nice vacation. You don’t need to take a tour of Europe or head to a tropical island to enjoy a relaxing holiday. Consider splitting your paid vacation days into shorter, bite-sized trips. Even if you just head to the mountains for a few days of hiking and camping, getting away is a great way to reset your mind. Check your employer’s vacation policy and make sure you request your days off in advance so they can plan for your absence, then relax and enjoy your time away.

Use sick days when you need them

If you’re feeling under the weather, make sure you take advantage of any paid sick days. Remember that you can’t put your best foot forward if you’re not feeling your best. Let your employer know as soon as you think you may need a day or two off due to illness. If you work too much, it could backfire and lead you to feel sick or physically and mentally overwhelmed. Remember to keep your work-life balance in check, so you can stay healthy and avoid having to use those sick days in the first place.


Maintaining a stress-free working life is easy when you start to practice these helpful tips. Spend quality time with the people you love and develop a strong support network. Remember to take breaks, get outside as much as possible, and set schedules and boundaries so that your mental well-being is healthy and strong, no matter where you work.


Author: Denisse Garcia 

Denisse Garcia is a content marketer at HireAHelper.com and also writes for Porch.com. She is passionate about the environment, technology, health and wellness, and decorating.

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