Plastic Flower Plant Pot

Garden and EnvironsSKU: HPFP15618BLPGAS
Babu sake dubawa

Color: Black
Farashin sayarwa₦58,500.00 NGN


  • Versatile Size: Perfect for a variety of plants, from delicate violets to larger houseplants, accommodating diverse gardening needs.
  • Durable Material: Crafted from lightweight polypropylene (PP), ensuring resilience and easy handling; eco-friendly options available.
  • Vibrant Colors: Available in a range of hues, allowing for personalized decor that complements your indoor or outdoor spaces.
  • Effective Drainage: Features drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, promoting healthy root growth and reducing the risk of rot.
  • Long-Lasting Design: Shatterproof and weather-resistant, these pots are built to endure, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments.
Ƙara zuwa lissafin buri


While often overlooked, the plastic flower pot is a horticultural workhorse, a reliable and versatile foundation for nurturing vibrant blooms and flourishing foliage. Here's why this simple yet effective product deserves a place in every gardener's toolkit:

  • A Home for All: From delicate violets to sprawling philodendrons, plastic flower pots come in a vast array of sizes and shapes. Shallow saucers are ideal for cacti and succulents, while deep pots provide ample room for root systems of larger plants. Square and rectangular options offer space-saving solutions for windowsills and balconies.

  • Material Matters: Most plastic flower pots are crafted from lightweight and durable polypropylene (PP). This material is strong enough to withstand everyday handling yet light enough for easy maneuvering. Some pots even utilize recycled plastic, making them an eco-conscious choice.

  • Color Your World: Plastic flower pots aren't limited to plain brown. They come in a spectrum of vibrant colors, allowing you to add a decorative touch to your indoor or outdoor space. Match pots to your existing décor, create a color-coordinated theme, or use contrasting hues to make specific plants stand out.

       Functional Benefits:

  • Drainage Done Right: Most plastic flower pots come with drainage holes, preventing waterlogging and potential root rot. This allows for proper aeration and promotes healthy plant growth. For plants sensitive to overwatering, some pots even feature saucers that collect excess drainage.

  • Built to Last: Unlike their ceramic counterparts, plastic flower pots are shatterproof and weather-resistant. They can withstand fluctuating temperatures and UV rays, making them ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. This durability ensures your pots provide a long-lasting home for your precious greenery.

  • Lightweight Champions: The lightweight nature of plastic flower pots makes them incredibly easy to handle and transport. This is especially beneficial for larger pots that may need to be moved around for optimal sunlight or rearranging your indoor jungle.

.Q: Yaya odar nawa zai zo?

Za ku karɓi odar ku ta hanyar Sabis ɗin Isar da Kai kai tsaye ko Wakilan jigilar kayayyaki masu zaman kansu. Girma da nauyin siyan ku akan layi an ƙididdige su cikin jimlar kuɗin kuɗin ku.

Bayarwa kai tsaye - HOG Logistics zai sadar da abubuwa ɗaya daga cikin hanyoyi biyu; kai tsaye daga wani shago mai zaman kansa kuma mai sarrafa kansa (ya danganta da kusancin kantin zuwa makoma ta ƙarshe) ko ta hanyar wakilin jigilar kayayyaki mai zaman kanta na waɗanda ke wajen Legas da Ogun .

Bayan kun yi odar ku, za a tuntube ku (yawanci cikin kwanaki biyu (2) zuwa biyar (5) na kasuwanci) don tsara jigilar gida, idan kuna cikin layin Legas da Ogun , da biyu (2) zuwa sha huɗu (14) Wajen Legas da Jihar Ogun. Keɓance ga samfuran keɓancewa waɗanda zasu iya ɗaukar tsawon lokacin samarwa baya da lokacin jigilar kaya.

Da fatan za a shirya wani ya kasance a wurin lokacin da motar ta zo. Mun fahimci lokaci yana da mahimmanci, don haka idan kuna buƙatar sake tsara ranar, tuntube mu da wuri-wuri a lambar wayar da aka jera a cikin tabbacin ku: 0812-222-0264 ko ta imel . Muna buƙatar sanarwar sa'o'i 48 idan kuna son sake tsarawa ko soke bayarwa. Kuna iya samun ƙarin kuɗi idan kun sake tsara ƙasa da sa'o'i 48 kafin bayarwa, ko kuma idan babu wanda ke gida lokacin da ƙungiyar isar da sako ta zo. Idan bayarwa bai faru a cikin kwanaki 15 na ainihin ranar bayarwa ba, ana iya ɗaukar odar azaman odar da aka soke.

Wakilan jigilar kayayyaki masu zaman kansu- Ana amfani da waɗannan wakilai don jigilar kayayyaki zuwa wasu sassan Najeriya baya ga Legas da jihar Ogun. Ba sa bayar da isar da gida ko tsabar kuɗi akan isar da sabis (COD). Saboda haka, umarni daga wajen jihar Legas dole ne a biya shi kafin lokaci , haka kuma saboda ba mu da ofisoshi a wadannan jahohin.

Tambaya: Ta yaya zan san lokacin da kayana ke isowa?

A cikin odar isar da kai kai tsaye, yawanci kusan kwanaki biyu zuwa biyar na kasuwanci bayan siyan, zaku karɓi sanarwar imel kan matsayin odar ku kuma ƙungiyar sabis ɗin mu za ta tuntuɓar ku kuma ta tsara lokacin isarwa a cikin dacewarku. Hakanan za su kira ku ranar da za a kawowa don ƙara tabbatar da lokacin bayarwa da kwanan wata.

A cikin isar da Wakilin jigilar kaya mai zaman kansa, oda zai zo cikin kwanakin kasuwanci 14. Bayan isowar kaya(s), wakilin zai tuntube ku don zuwa wurin ajiyar su tare da hanyar Shaida don neman kayanku.

Tambaya: Zan iya isar da umarni na a rana guda?

Don isar da rana guda, dole ne a sanya odar kafin 10.00 na safe. Koyaya, wannan ya dogara da samfurin da aka umarce shi da wurin bayarwa. A ƙasa akwai jerin wuraren da sabis ɗin bayarwa na rana ɗaya ya rufe.

  • Ikeja da kewaye.
  • Lekki, Victoria Island, Ikoyi da kewaye.

Tambaya: Me game da ɓoyayyun farashi?

Babu ƙarin farashi ko ƙarin cajin aikawa, sai ga babban umarni. Farashin da aka jera akan gidan yanar gizon shine farashin ƙarshe, abin da kuke gani shine abin da kuka biya. Farashin mu duka sun haɗa da, ban da abokan cinikin kamfanoni waɗanda zasu buƙaci haɗa Harajin Hana da VAT don amfani da jimillar ƙimar oda.

Tambaya: Za a iya aikawa da oda zuwa ƙasashen duniya?

A halin yanzu HOG Furniture baya isar da kayayyaki a duniya. Muna maraba da ku don yin siyayya a rukunin yanar gizon mu daga ko'ina cikin duniya, amma dole ne ku tabbatar da adireshin isarwa yana cikin Najeriya.

Muna ba da garantin lahani na masana'anta na watanni 3. Bayan lokacin garanti, muna ƙarfafa abokan cinikinmu da su tuntuɓe mu, idan suna da wani lahani baya ga lalacewa na yau da kullun sakamakon shekaru da aka yi amfani da su. Mahimmancin kuma shine a ba su shawarar yadda za su adana kayansu maimakon siyan sababbi.

Ƙimar jigilar kaya

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